What does a chiropractor do with kids? They are so young and little, what kind of back problems can they possibly have? Is it safe to get adjusted when you are pregnant, can't that hurt the baby? Can a chiropractor turn a breech baby? A chiropractor helped my friend's baby get rid of ear infections, how does that work?
Well, this is my attempt at answering all of these questions and to open up the lines of communication between curious minds and a chiropractic practitioner. My resources are my old teachers, professors, research articles, my patients, and my daughter who received her first adjustment just a few hours after birth.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Can chiropractic treat " X "?

Chiropractic Rule # 1: We do not treat symptoms, conditions, or disease.

What we do is start from the root of the problem. We ask, why is there pain, why is there swelling, why is there a fever, why is there nausea, dizziness, indigestion......And then we ask: What is interfering with the body's ability to fight it, fix it, and prevent it from coming back? The answer to all of these questions is locked in our Nervous System, and as Chiropractors it is our job to ensure that it is functioning as efficiently as possible.

Chiropractic Rule #2: We look beyond the area of complaint.

Our body is not a bunch of separate parts. It is all one part, interconnected by muscles, ligaments and fascia. Therefore if one part is in pain, it is either the result of another area's malfunction, or it will cause other areas to malfunction in the near future. And don't forget that your body interacts with the environment which is either repetitive or changes constantly. All of our ailments are a result of external and internal factor.

Chiropractic Rule #3: It may get a bit worse before it gets much better.

Unless you are a newborn, your body has set its patterns. Many of our daily activities are right side dominant, many work hours are spent sitting, and many bike rides are spent slouching. If you have never been adjusted before, or it has been a while, the first 1-3 visits may not have the results you were hoping to get. A chiropractor tries to change a pattern that your body is comfortable with and has conformed to. When we go against that pattern in order to restore balance, at times the body is a bit less than cooperative. It is normal to get a mild headache, soreness, and stiffness in some areas after initial treatments since letting go is always hard to do.

Chiropractic Rule # 4: Yes, you need more than 1 adjustment.

Why are there treatment plans, repeat visits, and re-exams? Well, according to the rules of physiotherapy, it takes about 6 weeks for ligaments to repair. According to psychologists it takes about 3 months to create a new habit. And according to physiology it takes 120 days for our blood supply to be entirely replenished. So, when an adjustment is given, it is trying to change ligamentous position, rewire the brain to sense this new position as correct and make a habit of it, while the blood cells and lymph nodes flush away the toxins of old patterns.

Chiropractic Rule #5: Prevention is the key to Health.

Since every body is different, chiropractors and patients work together to find that perfect frequency of care. For athletes it may be weekly, for kids it may be once every month, for others it may be twice a month. Pain should never be an indicator of what the body is going through. Our brain can only process so much information at once, and only when things are really starting to go haywire does the brain decide to tell you that you need to do something about it. So, instead of waiting for the pain or fatigue signals, evaluate your week of activity and dietary habits. These should be the determinants for your frequency of care.

1 comment:

  1. My approach toward treating chronic back pain is to utilize multiple cutting edge FDA cleared tools as part of a unique system that addresses the primary reasons that people suffer with chronic pain. Two of these tools that I have found to be particularly effective in treating chronic back pain are VAX-D spinal decompression and deep muscle laser therapy.

    Chiropractic Neurologist Dr. Jacob Bastomski
