What does a chiropractor do with kids? They are so young and little, what kind of back problems can they possibly have? Is it safe to get adjusted when you are pregnant, can't that hurt the baby? Can a chiropractor turn a breech baby? A chiropractor helped my friend's baby get rid of ear infections, how does that work?
Well, this is my attempt at answering all of these questions and to open up the lines of communication between curious minds and a chiropractic practitioner. My resources are my old teachers, professors, research articles, my patients, and my daughter who received her first adjustment just a few hours after birth.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

How can we avoid ear infections without antibiotics?

The most frequent presenting condition in my office is "Ear Infection". This is usually not the first occurrence, but the third, or fifth. By the time I see the little one, they have been through multiple ear exams, multiple rounds of antibiotics, and even a tubal ligation surgery. At first the parents are skeptical, but are willing to try anything at this point to help ease their child’s discomfort.
"Ear infections are common in young children resulting in millions of office visits and antibiotic prescriptions annually. Acute otitis media (AOM) includes intense signs and symptoms of infection and inflammation and is the most common bacterial illness in children for which antibacterial agents are prescribed in the United States. Otitis media with effusion (OME) is even more common. About 90% of children have OME at some time before school age, most often between ages 6 months and 4 years. Otitis Media with Effusion often follows colds and viral infections or actual ear infections and will usually clear up on its own without treatment." -American Academy of Pediatrics.
Here I would like to explain why chiropractors see ear infection/inflammation as a very preventable problem that can be managed without invasive intervention.

1. Progression of an infection.
  • Fluid. If the fluid does not drain out, it creates a perfect environment for the bacteria to live and multiply, leading to an ear infection over time.
  • Pain. Accumulation of fluid causes pressure in the canal. The constant presence of fluid
  • The fluid can also put pressure on the tympanic membrane, possibly rupturing it.
2. Why is the fluid there?
  • In babies the Eustachian tubes are short, narrow, and horizontal. As we grow older they tilt more vertically to allow for better drainage.
  • Your baby may be teething. Gums are red and inflamed, there is a runny nose, and an overall flushed appearance. This is the normal process of inflammation that has to happen to allow for tooth eruption.
  • Dairy consumption stimulates mucus production body-wide, and creates more fluid than the Eustachian tubes can drain out.
  • Other common allergens, such as SOY or WHEAT can also over stimulate the body to produce fluid.
  • A hyperactive immune system.
  • "A growing number of scientists believe that the increase in America, Europe, Australia and Japan in allergic and auto-immune diseases (which stimulate the humoral or Th2 branch of the immune system[Vaccinations]) is caused by the lack of stimulation of the cellular or the Th1 branch of the immune [Natural Immune Response] system from the lack of acute inflammatory responses and discharges in childhood" –PHILIP F. INCAO, M.D
  • Multiple doses and rounds of vaccinations may have a role in creating this phenomenon. Since the body is not allowed to have a natural immune cascade, it has a fast emergency response when a vaccine is given. This teaches our immune system to respond to all foreign particles with greater force than necessary do deal with them.
  • Subluxation and misalignment of Atlas (C1), cranial and facial bones. These affect the internal ear structure and the tube's ability to drain efficiently. A shift in the Atlas may also irritate the local nerve endings, causing pain and extra fluid production. These structures may be compromised after a difficult labor and delivery, after a C-Section delivery, and after falls or bumps on the head.
3. What happens with repetitive antibiotic use?
  • Antibiotics take 3-4 days to go into full affects. If your child is feeling better after 2 days of taking them, chances are it's not the antibiotic, it's their own immune system.
  • Repeat Antibiotic use has been suspected to lead to more ear "infections"! Antibiotics don't just target the bacteria in the ear canal. They can kill off the beneficial gut bacteria which we need for proper digestion and immune system function. That is why it's common to see constipation or viral infections after a course of antibiotic treatment.
  • Your body becomes a breeding ground for stronger bacterial strands. After your immune system has been exposed to the same antibiotic, killing off the weak bacteria, it allows for the stronger bacteria to stay alive and multiply. This creates a more resistant strain, and then the usual medication doesn't work anymore, so a new antibiotic needs to be prescribed.
4. What you can do
  • At the first signs of ear pulling monitor your child's temperature and mood. Have your pediatrician or chiropractor conduct an ear exam.
  • Take into account that the ear pulling may be associated with teething, fatigue, or a recent fall affecting the skull, face, or jaw.
  • Have your pediatric chiropractor evaluate the child's spinal alignment. A Subluxation of the 1st
  • Cervical vertebrae, TMJ, and other cranio-facial bones can directly affect the ear canal, sinus drainage, and the nerve input to that area.
  • If there is low-no fever, wait 3-4 days before asking for a prescription. It will take this long to see the effects of our immune system, even though it has already started working before any symptoms arose.
  • Remove all dairy, wheat, and/or soy from diet for 2 weeks. If you are a nursing mother, remove these items from your diet as well.
  • Use garlic drops in both ears as recommended.
  • Turn on humidifier with eucalyptus oil in the baby's/child's room.
  • Increase vitamin C consumption (for mother if nursing, for baby if on solids).
  • Get a chiropractic check-up to make sure that the spine and skull are properly aligned.
  • If antibiotics are taken, supplement diet with PROBIOTICS to replenish gut bacteria supply. Choose capsules that contain cultures in BILLIONS. Lactobacilus bifidus should be included in the culture.
  • For a nursing mother, sprinkle some from a capsule before at each feeding.
  • If a bottle is taken, break a capsule and put in ¼ of it in at each feeding.
  • If solid-fed, sprinkle ½ capsule at each feeding. Do not give yogurt at this time. It is dairy based and does not have enough cultures.